Reaching Out to Help Others in Need

Alise Maxie, Staff

Coach Eaton, head football coach, is “Paying it Forward”. With the help of the school and community, a trailer loaded down with supplies will be sent to Louisiana where recent flooding has affected many areas, which Cypress Falls can relate too as it was badly hit earlier this year in April.

A lot of people in the community and around CFISD helped put our own school back together so it seemed the right thing to do,” said Coach Eaton about helping other schools in need.

The immediate needs for the Cypress Falls Flood Relief donation will be cleaning supplies, non-perishable foods, paper products, baby necessities, clothing and shoes. The donation truck is parked in the back parking lot of Cypress Falls High School (near the tennis courts). The trailer will be open from September 1 through September 9 between the hours of 7 a.m.- 10 p.m.

The concept to donate originated from the owner of Porter Truck Sales. “Mr. Bobby Mitchell, and Mr. Fred Billings came up with the idea after seeing the news of the floods in Louisiana,” stated Coach Eaton.

When asked, “what are you hoping your players will learn by being involved in this cause,” Coach Eaton stated, “I hope our players and community learn that we can always help those in need. When you see bad things happening in the news you can choose to do something to help or just sit back and do nothing. I want our students to always choose to be part of the solution of any problem they see in our community.”