Faculty Friday: Christopher Gunzelman

Alise Maxie

More stories from Alise Maxie

Happy Earth Day
April 5, 2019
portraitInterviewer: What subject do you teach? 

Interviewer: What’s your favorite color?

Interviewer: Why did you start teaching? 
To help people
Interviewer: What’s your favorite movie?
I can tell you it’s not Jeepers Creepers
Interviewer: Do you have any pets?
Two rottweilers
Interviewer: How many years have you worked at falls?
This is my first year
Interviewer: How many years have you been teaching?
Interviewer: What’s your favorite song?
Stairway to Heaven
Interviewer: What’s your favorite thing about teaching?
When students understand it!
Interviewer: Where did you go to college?
University of Texas at Austin