Times Up movement

Times Up movement

Abby Richardson

The world is finally ready to acknowledge events that have happened behind closed doors. With a new movement against sexual harassment and assault to start off the new year right, many activists and celebrities are tackling the situation and shining light on what needs to be done.


Times Up is a movement that has already become a huge success in the time span of a week. People at the 75th Golden Globes this year dedicated their wardrobe to the movement and wore black while using the trending hashtag #metoo. Many of these celebrities brought activists as their guests, and in interviews they were passed the mic over to their guests and they got to discuss the issue of sexual assault.


Marai Larasi has spent her years to end violence against black, minority ethnic, and refugee women and girls. She is the executive director of the UK based black feminist organization known as Imkaan.


“Women in Hollywood have an opportunity to amplify the issues and to shine a light on things,” activist Marai Larasi said on the carpet while accompanied by Emma Watson. She and all the other activists got the opportunity to inform and discuss these problems Sunday night.


Recently society has become more open and accepting. 2017 began with the Women’s march that united people in all continents, and in 2018 we began with the Times up movement. Many women and men stand together on the issue of sexual assault.


Tarana Burke created the ‘Me Too’ movement in 2006. Burke created this organization due to a discussion with a 13 year old survivor who had been sexually abused. That made her speechless and it haunted her still 10 years after. The outcome of that discussion led Burke to create this organization and help survivors.


“Sexual violence knows no race, class or gender, but the response to sexual violence absolutely does,” activist Tarana Burke stated last year in an interview.  “Until we change that, any advancement that we make in addressing this issue is going to be scarred by the fact that it wasn’t across the board.” Burke attended the globes with actress Michelle Williams. Many were in awe of the speeches that night, but Oprah’s speech had everyone standing on their feet at home and in the audience.

So I want all the girls watching here, now, to know that a new day is on the horizon. And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say ‘Me too’ again.”