Racial Profiling

Abby Richardson, Staff

Racial Profiling means targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual’s race, ethnicity, religion or national origin. Some law enforcements have used this tactic to arrest “criminals” and pull over people they think are suspicious.


Profiling has been happening for many years now. It was used mostly by police force, but also now it is in schools. Many students have experienced this profiling in their lives in and out of school. Only getting in trouble because of ethnicity or race.


That causes the younger generation to believe that just because they’re different, they are always going to be the scapegoat. With law enforcement and school both being a big part of every young person’s life, they can’t ignore the issues they face almost everyday.


“It made me feel like less of a person based on how they treated me,” Jaylon Coleman senior said. “They told me ‘you shouldn’t have the right to just walk around without a leash.’”


Some kids think that racism is gone, so when it happens to them they don’t know how to react. That’s why younger kids are confused because living in the twenty first century, racism shouldn’t be a problem. That shouldn’t think that just because they have a different color skin that it makes it right that they get treated like that.


“It affects the younger kids in our generation because it shows them how to hate instead of love,” Coleman said. “They make less friends and become more distant to our society because some people don’t accept a certain race or a certain religion, which causes more violence and more hate to that kid because he was taught to hate.”