School Walkout

Alise Maxie, Editor

On March 14, students all across America walked out of class to honor students who have lost their lives and to stand up against gun violence in schools. The walk out lasted 17 minutes to represent each life lost in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.


March for our lives was planned out by the Marjory Stoneman Douglas students who survived the shooting and wanted to step to the forefront for gun violence prevention. It was a way to gain the attention of the media, teachers, and other students about how serious this problem is, while also hoping to impact government reform.


These kids are mocking the school system to show their unsafe. Kids can’t stay in a zone where there are guns.  This gave a physical demonstration to show exactly how many kids feel unsafe in the place that’s necessary for them to go.


“Because, if we’re being honest, teenagers are often overlooked, talked down to or ignored by our society. I was determined to change this attitude by inspiring my fellow students to embrace our potential as our country’s future leaders,” said, Malavika Kannan.


The physical action of actually walking out gave students the ability to encourage change, as well as represent their fear of being in a school. Education plays an important role in preparing students for their future. With education, students have the potential to add value to society, but with students fearing for their lives while at school, students may decide that school is not worth it. The country would suffer due to the decrease of students graduating from college.


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics survey. More than 72% of jobs require a high school diploma or GED equivalent and about 34% require at  least some type of college. If kids don’t get the education they need, these jobs won’t be filled and money will be lost.


But the walkout was not just a political statement, it was also to honor the victims of the Stoneman school shooting. It was the country’s way to unite and  show that they care. One last send off for the fellow Stoneman students who lost their lives that day.