Moss on the Move

Abby Richardson, staff

Imagine going from a suburban lifestyle to a constantly moving traveler. Teacher Nicole Moss is moving her and her family around the world in a tiny house. They are leaving Houston to go explore and to find new adventures.

“My husband and I were looking for a way to spend more time together as a family and travel more,” Moss said. “In July my husband started a new job working remotely from home. He can basically work anywhere as long as he has Internet.”


The Moss family is going to be traveling in a tiny house for all of their adventures. The Tiny House Movement started to become more popular recently and it is a social movement that advocates simple living in small homes.


“I didn’t love the idea of living in in a small space, but I love the idea of being able to travel with my family,” Moss said. “We started throwing around the idea of selling our house and traveling in a tiny home on wheels because it would give us what we wanted. Plus, we realized we had way more things than we needed and the upkeep of our house was taking a lot of our time together.”


Moss is going to bring her boys along with her to embark on this trip with them. Her toddlers three year old Owen and one year old Cooper will be living on the road and travel during the summers after they start school.


“Owen and Cooper love being outside so they will be in Heaven,” Moss said. “Plus they love animals and new things.”

While Mrs. Moss is happy to be leaving to start a new adventure with her family, she will be missing her students very much.


“It took me eight months just to get comfortable with the idea of not being here,” Moss said. “I absolutely love my job, so the idea of not being here makes me nervous, but I am hopefully teaching my students to embrace opportunities and live their very best life.”


They are starting their trip in Hawaii by living there from September to October, while their Tiny house is being built in Portland, Oregon. Their Tiny house then will be sent to Houston after it’s finished.


“On our travels, we are going to visit different zoos, farmer’s markets, festivals, ballparks, museums, and more,” Moss said. “I’m going to visit past students and friends and just try to see as much as we can.”


In the end, she is doing what her heart desires and is following her dreams, which is not easy for many people.


“Make moves to be the very best version of you,” Moss said. “We asked ourselves if we didn’t take this opportunity, would we regret it in five years?…Yes! That was a big push for us. We are trying to live our best life and make memories.”