New Policies

Alise Maxie, Editor

This school year has brought both new students and new policies to Falls. The 2018-2019 year is full of district and campus changes. Due to current events, the clear backpack policy, 6:55, and 7:10 bells have been put in place to maximize the students’ safety.


“Another change is that late arrival students enter through the front doors,” Mr. Parsons, Cypress Falls Associate Principal, said. “Late arrival students use to come in through the back, but with the athletic doors being shut at 7:20, the only doors they can enter through is the front.”


Even though students definitely agree these new policies maximize their safety, it is also seen as a great inconvenience.


“The 6:55 policy was a good idea, but it makes it harder for those who have no choice but to arrive early or those who get there for early tutorials,” Joy Richards (12) said.


The 6:55 rule doesn’t let children in the school until that time. This rule backs up the busses in the morning, causing traffic on roads that border the school. The 7:10 rule is similar to the 6:55 rule in that kids are able to enter the school, but are not allowed to roam the halls.


Students must stay in the cafeteria until the given time, which also messes up morning tutorials for students who have after school jobs, practice, etc. The rule also interferes with access to the library in the mornings.


In years past,  students have been able to come early to print out essays and put projects in the library. Without this resource, students will have to find other ways to print their assignments.


“I’m not upset about the library, because I never needed to use the printers, but I’m sure it would be an inconvenience to others who rely on it,” Sarah Duke (12) said.


Another rule the school made this year, is not allowing students to use the cut through anymore to get to class faster. Cypress falls is such a wide school, the cut through is the front school doors which made it easier for students to make it early to class.


Though all these changes will take some time to get used to. These precautions were put in place to make a better and safer Cypress Falls. The school welcomes these changes with open arms.


“We will always continue to reflect on our practices and always try to do what we feel is best for our students,” Mr. Parsons said “We’re constantly reevaluating everything that we do,”.. If we believe that after we do this, this is what’s better for student safety, then we’ll continue. If it needs to be adjusted, we’ll adjust.”