Everything to Know for Finals

Hunter King, Staff Member

Finals is a big week each year in which students take tests from each class of everything learned from the semester. But many students may have questions about the week and may feel uncertain on what to do, so we have the answers to help you feel prepared to end this semester off strong.


What are the requirements to exempt?

To qualify for an exemption in any class you must have at least an 80 average for the semester and three or less absences.


How many exemptions can I get this semester?

Grade – Exemptions

9   –   1

10   –  2

11   –   3

12   –   4


Can I lose my exemption on finals day?

Yes. If you have three absences and decide to miss a day because you exempted, then that counts as your fourth absence and your exemptions are no longer valid. You must show up everyday on finals week if you have three absences in order to keep your exemptions.


How do I get my exemption card?

When it is time, an administrator will announce at lunch to get your exemption card and then you will be able to get it. It’s always best to get in line earlier than later, so you can have plenty of time to get your card before the lunch bell ends.


When are finals?

Finals will be held December 18-21. See the picture attached to the article. 


How do I know if I was absent or I was excused?

There are four absences that will not count against your exemptions:

School sanctioned field trip

Documented college visit (allowed two college visits for each junior and senior year)

Documented Military Branch Visit (allowed four days)

Meeting with counselor or administrator will not count against you


Does a doctor’s note excuse my absence?

If you go to the doctor and return with a doctor’s note, it is an excused absence, but this particular absence still counts against your exemptions.


Are there any other reasons I can’t get my exemption card?

You must have no fees, fines, or cost of textbooks in order to receive your exemption card. You also can lose your exemptions if you received a (U) unsatisfactory conduct in any grading period, out of school suspension, or placement in ALC.