Women’s March 2019

Abby Richardson, staff

I was surrounded by hundreds of pink hats and decorated posters. As we marched towards City Hall, there were chants being yelled and songs being blasted from multiple speakers. I was marching in a sea of grinning faces.
When we reached City Hall, Beyonce’s song, “Run the World (Girls)”, was blasting and the crowd got closer and closer together as we surrounded the podium stand. There was empowering music being played and all I could see was a sea of dancing bodies. I couldn’t feel the cold anymore, probably due to all of the crowd being so huddled together.
As the music stopped, we heard a lady speaking, Robin Paoli and she was introducing the first speaker. There was a lady and her daughter that came up and her daughter read us her speech. As she was reading, the crowd was cheering and we were raising our posters as another way of clapping. Even United States Representative Lizzie Fletcher and Al Green spoke. Speech after speech, I was feeling more and more empowered. It was exhilarating, to see so many people gather around to celebrate the accomplishments made by amazing women. These marches have brought together a community that has been waiting for changes like this to be made in our government for a long time and this sister march, and all the other marches have made an outstanding impact on the young generation in today’s society.