Things To Do While Safe At Home

Hunter King, Staff Member

The coronavirus is a name that nobody had even heard of until a few months ago, and now we are shielding ourselves from it seemingly everywhere. Officials from all levels of government share the same message to everyone: stay home and social distance yourself from other people. Staying home can be a bit dull at some times though, and you might even be wishing for some ideas on what to do. Well, don’t worry, because we’ve got the best things you can do while you are safe at home.

1. Do online classes

We know that the word school is usually followed by a groan, but it’s important and also it passes quite a bit of time. With the rest of the school year in limbo, you should stay caught up on classes so that way, if the school year resumes, you won’t be behind. And if it doesn’t, you will want to be credited for completing the course if it comes down to that. 


2. Exercise

This one is good because currently going for a walk is still considered to be socially distanced from people. If it’s too hot, stay indoors and do a workout routine or just make up stuff as you go. Mowing the lawn or doing chores around the house to pass time can be argued as a workout, and in the end, you feel a sense of accomplishment for burning some calories.


3. Write or read

Writing and reading are some of the freest things you can do. If you really think about it, some people in the world are forbidden from doing so, so take advantage of the opportunity. Not only is it entertaining, but before you know it, hours will fly by. Writing could be as simple as starting a blog or starting a book that you plan on publishing. Reading could be as easy as an article like you are right now or a Stephen King novel. The options are endless, and you get to choose. The saying “there is something for everyone” truly does apply here.


4. Watch TV or play a video game

Caution on this one: if you want to be productive, this one isn’t the best option. Binge-watching Netflix or falling down the YouTube rabbit hole is a mistake that a lot of people make. But if you are looking to pass time during a boring weekend and you can’t find anything productive left to do, why not just sit down and start a series? If you aren’t into TV shows, try a video game. Most games you can play with friends while also being socially distanced from them. Also, video games can turn a dreadfully long day into a day with not enough hours to keep on playing. Just remember with both of these to take breaks and stretch or get a quick workout in. Our bodies weren’t meant to be in one spot for an entire day. 


5. Be creative

Make some music or a short film. Create a piece of art. Learn how to cook a five-star meal. Make the next viral Tik Tok. Knit, do a puzzle, learn a new language. The options are endless. Whatever you choose, have fun and be yourself. Don’t let dreary times stop you from having fun while also following the CDC guidelines of staying socially distanced. 


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While Cy Falls Publications is separated during this unusual time, we will be doing our best to release relevant, interesting, and informative articles for you to read throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here for facts and details on the virus from the CDC.