New Teacher of the Week: Jennifer Watson

Freja Cini, Student Life and Opinion Section Editor

Jennifer Watson is a new on-level and K-level English IV teacher. Watson is starting her sixth year of teaching, having previously taught at MacArthur High School in Aldine ISD. She attended Lone Star College and the University of Houston to obtain her Bachelor’s degree, as these two were affordable options that allowed her to have a first-class college experience close to home. Later on, she attended the University of St. Thomas – Houston, where she obtained her Master’s degree.


Her inspiration to become a teacher started from a young age, since she spent hours playing school with her sister and neighbors on her chalkboard. In high school, Watson joined the Teachers Association of Future Educators (T.A.F.E.) and began considering her teaching career. However, it took her some time to figure out what she wanted to do before she settled in the teaching profession. Before teaching, she worked in different industries for several years, including non-profit. As a new teacher, her biggest challenge this year is conveniently socializing with people as everyone is socially distanced and in masks, as well as teaching during a pandemic and feeling overwhelmed and doubtful if she’s doing everything right. However, she remains hopeful as she reminds herself that this is a temporary situation and everyone is in this together.