Tips and Tricks for Final Exams

Jamie Ammel, Staff Member


With the end of the first school semester approaching, that means finals week is just around the corner.


Finals week is nothing new for the juniors and seniors at Cypress Falls High School, but this year will be the first finals week for sophomores and freshmen.


Due to the pandemic, finals were cancelled for two years causing the class of ‘24 and ‘25 to miss out on finals. This year, they have no idea what to expect because they’re used to staying at home and doing school online. The students new to the exams could use some tips to help prepare for the finals.


Here are some tips to help you out:


Tip 1: Do NOT wait until the last minute to turn in your work.


Turning in your work late is very stressful for your teacher and there’s no guarantee that it will boost your grade enough to exempt your exam.


Tip 2: Study for the test!


We know that studying is boring and sometimes difficult, but it can be helpful. If you don’t want to study everything, at least study the stuff that you find difficult and are struggling with. Also, make it easy on yourself and don’t cram the night before. Break it up over multiple nights to make it easier to process the information.


Tip 3: Get a good night of sleep and a good breakfast.


You do not want to be tired and fall asleep during your exam. You won’t be able to retake it if you don’t finish. You’ll want a good breakfast to give you energy and you don’t want hunger distracting you from your exam.


Tip 4: Make sure you arrive on time.


It is really important that students arrive on time for their exams because it’s easier for the staff and students if you arrive at the appropriate time. Both you and your teacher will be less stressed and not having to rush to get you set up for your test.


Tip 5: Do not cheat!


It can be tempting to cheat when you don’t know the answer to a question, but you have to resist. If you’re caught cheating, it would mean big consequences for you. If you get stuck on a question, ask your teacher for help and they will provide you with as much information as they are allowed to and then proceed to make your best guess. 


Now that you have some tips to help prepare for the finals, good luck Eagles!